Dog Friendly Beaches on Oahu with a Location Map

Dog Friendly Beaches on Oahu with a Location Map

Dog-Friendly Beaches on Oahu, Hawaii Here is a list of dog allowed beaches on Oahu.  We also listed no-dogs allowed beaches so that you can have the information in one place. Please take care so that we can share the shoreline together without incidents that may cause...
Hawaii’s Favorite 15 Fruits

Hawaii’s Favorite 15 Fruits

Hawaii is not only a lustrous tropical island with fantastic weather, but it is also a wondrous place to try unique fruits. Some of these exotic fruits give off special properties apart from the wondrous flavors they have. These fruits are even able to be bought in a...

Aweoweo Beach Park and Snorkeling

Want to visit a small, really out-of-the-way beach? Check out this beach park that we accidentally came across. We were in the mode of exploring Oahu’s North Shore with no destination in mind. It was one of those journey moments. We were just driving with the...