Due to COVID, many places throughout the world entered into travel restrictions and Hawaii took a little stronger stand, given that the more isolated location of Hawaii which makes it easier to control the incoming visitors. Also, Hawaii’s high elderly population made this somewhat os a necessary as well.
However, you will be glad to know Hawaii’s Safe Travels Program is no longer in place and there is no restrictions from passengers traveling from within the U.S. There could be a country specific restrictions, so please check out the U.S. State Department’s website here before making a plan to visit Hawaii.
In March of 2022, Hawaii’s Safe Travel Program has ended and the visitors arriving do not have to provide the Safe Travels application in order to enter Hawaii.
While the program was in effect, there was a screening process where a temperature check was needed, and also had to provide vaccination proof. However, all these restrictions are no longer in place for domestic travelers and most international travelers.
Also, regarding the mask mandate, it is currently set to “strongly recommended” status especially when you are unable to maintain physical distancing. Each private business may require or encourage masks, so it may not be a bad idea to have one available.
Eah municipality may have their own stricter restriction, so you are encouraged to visit each county’s website to prepare for your travel related to COVID-19
County of Kaua‘i | City and County of Honolulu | County of Maui | County of Hawai‘i